It’s important to make sure all cleaning solutions and other cleaning chemicals are locked or placed in an area that is out of reach for your Japanese Bobtail. Like children, your cat can be curious and may accidentally get into something he shouldn’t. If your bobtail does manage to get into the cleaning supplies and exposes his eyes to the chemicals, please call your vet immediately. Your vet may advise you to immediately flush your cat’s eyes to prevent burning or chemical damage. If possible, refer to the cleaning label and inform your vet about the chemicals your cat possibly got in to. Take the bottle with you to the as well. You may need to call the poison control number listed on the bottle for further treatment solutions. Follow the instructions of your vet Flat Rock, NC in order to treat your Japanese Bobtail cat.
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The Bearded Collie is a large, shaggy sheepdog that is thought to have descended from the European herding dogs. He is also believed to have genetic traits from the Magyar Komondor and the Lowland Polish Sheepdog. The Bearded Collie is a herder at heart and does well when given a specific job in his field. Be warned, if you don’t give your collie a job he will find one of his own to keep himself entertained and busy. In addition to herding, the Bearded Collie is also a very affectionate and loyal dog that craves attention and companionship. This makes him an excellent family dog. The Bearded Collie does well with children, but should be supervised because of his large size and love for playing rough. This particular breed can be strong willed so start training early and be persistent. Contact your veterinary clinic Flat Rock, NC for additional information.
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If you’ve owned your Manx cat for some time then your vet may have talked to you about having your cat on a flea and tick prevention program. There are numerous types of flea prevention methods available including a flea collar. Talk to your vet to find out if your Manx is a candidate for a flea collar. Flea collars are simple to use and last anywhere between 3 to 8 months. Your vet can help you find a flea collar that’s right for your cat including what brand, size, and type of flea collar to buy. Don’t forget to check if you can use the flea collar in addition to a prevention program. In general, the flea collar releases a defense mechanism on the neck and shoulder area of your cat. This drives the fleas to the tail where they die and fall off. Talk with your vets Myrtle Beach, SC the Waccamaw Animal Hospital for more information.
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Did you know that eye care is an essential part of your Teddy guinea pig’s overall health and wellness? If your Teddy guinea pig appears to be having trouble with his eyes, call your vet to set up an exam. In general, a guinea pig’s eyes can come in a variety of colors including dark, dark with a ruby or red cast, and pink. It is also normal for an Teddy guinea pig’s eyes to have a milky white discharge which helps lubricate the eyes since guinea pigs keep their eyes open at all times. Signs of injury, infection or irritation include crusty eyes, watery eyes, cloudiness, receding eyes, protruding eyes, and even ulcerated eyes. Symptoms could also indicate something as simple as a scratch to the eye or be an early indication of an upper respiratory problem, tooth problems, dehydration and even diabetes. Contact your veterinarian Flat Rock, NC for more details.
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Although fatty liver disease is prevalent in cats, it has also been known to occur in dogs especially those of the toy breed types. If you suspect your Havanese may have fatty liver disease call your vet right away. Fatty liver disease, which is also known as Hepatic Lipidosis, happens when large amounts of fat are deposited into the liver. The liver cannot process the fat and begins to swell and shut down other vital functions. When this occurs, you may notice symptoms in your dog that include prolonged anorexia, rapid weight loss, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, muscle wasting, depression, yellowing of the eyes, drooling, and possible collapse in later stages. If your dog has any of these symptoms, contact your veterinarian immediately. Diagnosis and treatment are needed as soon as possible to prevent further damage to the liver. Contact your veterinarian Myrtle Beach SC, the Waccamaw Animal Hospital
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Did you know that many guinea pig owners choose to their cavies on local and national levels? If you’re interested in showing your Teddy guinea pig then you should contact fellow guinea pig owners that have experience showing. You may also want to check to see if you need to register your cavy with the American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA), which is a sponsor and registry for guinea pigs. The ARBA recognizes thirteen breeds of guinea pigs. Make sure you sign up for the class that is specifically for your Teddy guinea pig breed. Classes are broken down by age and weight: Senior (over 6 months), Intermediate (4 to 6 months), and Junior (under 4 months). Weight limits are as follows: Seniors are over 32 ounces. Intermediates are over 22 ounces with a max of 32 ounces. Juniors are a minimum of 12 ounces and a maximum of 22 ounces. Talk with your vet Hendersonville, NC for more details.
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Did you know that Siberian Hamsters are prone to have seizures especially if they are of the dwarf breed like the Russian Dwarf hamster and the Campbell’s Dwarf hamster? Some Siberian Hamsters will not present abrupt or strong outward symptoms like convulsions or fits. Instead, you may see your hamster tilting his head, walking in circles, having trouble walking, or falling on his back. If this occurs, call your vet right away. In most cases, a hamster may go into seizures of minor convulsions as a result of diabetes, brain injury, brain defects, poisoning, stroke, or even an inner ear infection. The inner ear, especially, is what helps control your hamster’s balance. If the inner ear is infected you will notice your hamster having extreme difficulty walking around. Talk with your veterinary clinic Hendersonville, NC to learn more about seizures in your hamster and how to treat them.
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Did you know that like dogs, cats are also susceptible to a skin disease known as mange? It is often referred to as demodicosis or demodectic mange. This is an inflammatory skin disease that can happen to American Shorthairs and can be caused by mites that are not typically visible. If your American Shorthair has unexplained skin irritation or hair loss, call your vet. Your cat may have mange or another illness that requires a vet’s attention. Generally, if your American Shorthair does not have a compromised immune system then the mites are most likely not the cause of an abnormal condition. If the number of mites on the American Shorthair or in the hair follicles becomes excessive, skin lesions, genetic disorders, immune system problems, or additional hair loss may follow. Your veterinary clinic Myrtle Beach, SC will need to thoroughly examine your American Shorthair to determine the cause, the type, and treatment needed. Visit the website
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