Main » 2016 » December » 28

Your family is full of animal lovers, and you have discussed owning a pet over the years. While the timing may not have been right initially, you are finding that now may be a wonderful time to bring a pet into your home. However, there are so many pets to choose from! How can you narrow down your options?

Your family needs to discuss their preferences when it comes to animals, and also determine what each member is happily able to contribute to their care. You will need to work together to make sure your new pet has a great life in your home, and doing some initial research to see what animals would be able to function to the best of their ability under the care you can offer will help you determine what pets may fit into your household. For more information, please contact your local North Las Vegas, NV vet or click here.

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Views: 498 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 12.28.2016 | Comments (0)

Your new pet snake is an amazing creature, and you were excited to bring her into your home. Now that she’s finally here, you have enjoyed caring for her. However, you know that the attention you want to shower her with may not exactly be her cup of tea. Should you refrain from holding her entirely?

While it’s true that snakes enjoy a more solitary life than many other pets, they will still need to be handled from time to time. You will need to remove your pet form her enclosure to clean it, veterinary visits, and also simply to bond with him. This makes it essential that she be picked up on a regular basis. However, you will need to be mindful of her preferences and make a point to keep these experiences short and sweet to avoid any discomfort or stress on her part. For more information, please contact your local Louisville, CO vet.

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Views: 454 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 12.28.2016 | Comments (0)

Yes, shaving can significantly affect the way a dog’s hair grows back. It is for this reason that shaving should only be performed in certain situations, such as for surgery or when hairs become too matted that it is quite impossible to untangle them. With regular brushing of your pet’s hair coat, there will be lesser possibility of mats and tangles being formed. If your dog really needs to be shaved, you should let a professional groomer do the job because they have more knowledge and experience in keeping your pet’s coat well-trimmed instead of being extremely shaved.

One important thing to remember is that shaving is not the same as trimming. The hair and skin of dogs may respond differently to shaving considering that their hair coats are of different textures, thickness, and length.

A dog whose ha ... Read more »

Views: 488 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 12.28.2016 | Comments (0)

Do you own a European Hamster? If so, have you noticed him acting abnormal or appearing to have a seizure? If so, call your vet immediately. Hamsters of all types can be prone to seizures; however, the dwarf hamsters appear to have seizures more often. Signs of seizure activity in your European hamster may include your hamster walking around with a tilted head, walking circles, inability to walk, and even frequent collapse or falling onto his back. Your vet may need a full health history of your European as well as a description of seizures, the onset, and how long they occur. Blood work may be done to determine an underlying cause for the seizures such as diabetes, brain injury, poisoning, stroke, or ear infection. Once a cause is determined your veterinary clinic Omaha, NE will be able to recommend a treatment including medications and long term care. Schedule an appointment at this website.

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Views: 475 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 12.28.2016 | Comments (0)

Did you know that various dogs of all breeds occasionally have the habit of eating their own poop or the poop of other animals? If your poodle is eating his own poop or other animal poop, give your vet a call. This type of behavior is called Coprophagia and is common among a vast number of animals. If your poodle is eating his own poop on a regular basis, schedule an appointment with your vet and have your dog checked to rule out any illness. It is often thought that dogs eat their own poop due to a lack of nutrients in their diets; however, there are no definite scientific studies to support this view. Many veterinarians suggest dog owners discourage their dog from eating his own poop as it could spread bacteria such as Salmonella. To discourage your poodle from eating his poop, ask your veterinarian Omaha, NE about adding a deterrent to your dog’s food.

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Views: 549 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 12.28.2016 | Comments (0)

Canine bloat can happen to any breed of dog including the Labrador Retriever. Bloat, also known as Gastric Dilation-Volvulus, is a serious condition that requires immediate treatment. It is an often fatal illness. Bloat occurs when a dog’s stomach fills with gas, food or fluid causing it to expand. The expansion of the stomach can apply pressure on other organs causing blood to stop flowing to the heart and stomach lining. The stomach can expand so much that it causes a tear in the wall and can even cause difficulty breathing. Sometimes the stomach can twist which is where the name Gastric Dilatation Volvulus comes in. When this happens blood is stopped from flowing to the heart, which can send your dog into shock. Vet care is needed immediately to relieve pressure on the stomach and provide further life saving treatment. Talk with your vet care Omaha, NE for more information.

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Views: 523 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 12.28.2016 | Comments (0)

Love taking your pet outside in the summer? There’s no doubt that little critters like to play outside, but what about playing outside in the winter? Can you take your pocket pet outside to play when the temperature is cold?

For the most part, it’s better to leave your little critters indoors during the winter. These little animals can become chilled quickly, and they can escape quite easily in the snow.

If you like the idea of letting your pet play in the snow, bring a little inside! Just make sure you do it quickly before the snow has a chance to melt!

It’s definitely not a good idea to take your hamster or rat outside when it’s cold, but you may be able to take your rabbit out for a little fun! To learn more about whether or not you can take your particular animal outside or con ... Read more »

Views: 480 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 12.28.2016 | Comments (0)

You will soon have a hedgehog to call your very own, and you want to make sure to get off to the right start with your pet. How can you make sure to have a good relationship with her right from the start?

Your pet will require you to care for her in a variety of ways, and you will be bonding with her simply by doing this. However, there are many other ways to get to know one another. What you should consider is researching your new pet and making an effort to understand her. For example, hedgehogs have poor eyesight and rely heavily on their sense of smell. This means that you should try to have a consistent scent when with your pet so she can easily identify you. Strong soaps or perfumes may confuse her. For more information, please contact your local Moorpark, CA vet.

Views: 488 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 12.28.2016 | Comments (0)

One of the great things about having a rat as a pet is the fact that they can learn how to use the litter box! However, that doesn’t mean these critters use the box all the time. Why has your rat stopped using his box?

If your rat was using his box, but now he’s not, there’s probably a good reason. One of the most common reasons is the fact that the box is dirty. Rats are pretty clean creatures. If the litter box has any waste in it at all, he may decide not to go potty there.

Have you moved the box? Your rat may not like where you put it. If you have a new box, he may not like it either.

Need help getting your pet to use his box? Click here, or schedule an appointment with your veterinary clinic Poway, CA for professional advice.

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Views: 434 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 12.28.2016 | Comments (0)

One of the defining features of the feline is their claws, even if we may not like them much. What causes a cat to scratch anyway?

It’s completely natural for a cat to scratch to a certain extent. A cat’s claws never need to be clipped, because unlike dog claws, they don’t really grow. Instead, a new sheath is created underneath the existing claw. In order for the old, dull claw to be replaced, a cat must scratch his claws. That’s why your pet needs a scratching post!

Why keep those claws so sharp? In the wild, a cat would have to catch his own dinner. It’s also a great way to defend yourself. That’s why so many cats scratch people when they get mad or annoyed.

For help dealing with your cat’s claws, click here, or schedule an appointment with your veterinary clinic ... Read more »

Views: 510 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 12.28.2016 | Comments (0)

Rats are notorious for hiding and storing their food, even when you put it in a convenient bowl! There isn’t a problem with this behavior, that is, until it’s time to clean the cage. Can you put that hidden food back into the bowl, or does it have to go in the garbage?

Just to be safe, it’s a good idea to toss any food that is no longer in the bowl. To keep from throwing away exorbitant amounts of food, check on your pet’s stash every day and only give him a little more food if he’s all out.

However, if you’re careful, you may be able to scavenge some of his food. Food and treats that aren’t in potty spots or covered in waste can sometimes be saved.

To learn more about the right way to feed your rat, visit with your veterinary clinic Cherry Hill, NJ.

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Views: 449 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 12.28.2016 | Comments (0)