Main » 2016 » December » 28 » Handling your snake
9:00 PM
Handling your snake

Your new pet snake is an amazing creature, and you were excited to bring her into your home. Now that she’s finally here, you have enjoyed caring for her. However, you know that the attention you want to shower her with may not exactly be her cup of tea. Should you refrain from holding her entirely?

While it’s true that snakes enjoy a more solitary life than many other pets, they will still need to be handled from time to time. You will need to remove your pet form her enclosure to clean it, veterinary visits, and also simply to bond with him. This makes it essential that she be picked up on a regular basis. However, you will need to be mindful of her preferences and make a point to keep these experiences short and sweet to avoid any discomfort or stress on her part. For more information, please contact your local Louisville, CO vet.

Views: 444 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: Animal Hospital | Rating: 0.0/0
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