Planning a trip and your dog is invited? You probably know that putting him in a kennel is a good idea, but do you have to?
Putting your dog in a kennel is the best choice because it can prevent him from distracting you while you’re driving. Even if he is willing to sit calmly on your lap, you may find yourself petting him on the head instead of paying attention to the road.
If you really don’t want to put your dog in a kennel, place him in a harness and buckle him to the seat. That way, if you end up getting into an accident, your dog doesn’t become a projectile and injure himself or others as he bounces around in your car.
For more tips on traveling with your dog, plan a visit with your veterinary clinic Wake Forest, NC.
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Your cat will scratch to mark her territory using scent glands in her feet. This scratching leaves both a scent and visual marker for any interlopers to take heed. She will also scratch to remove old worn out nails to reveal the sharp new ones underneath. Thus your may never eliminate your cat’s scratching completely but you can redirect it to something more appropriate than your furniture, drapes and carpeting. Trim your cat’s nails frequently so she has less tools to do damage. Cover the inappropriate scratching areas with strips of aluminum foil or double-sided tape. These surfaces feel strange to your cat and deter her from scratching there. Put a scratching post or pad nearby so you can redirect your cat to these appropriate surfaces. Praise your cat if you catch her scratching the post or pad. Be patient and never punish your cat as she is learning. Contact your Racine, WI ve
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Feline leukemia (FeLV) is a virus that can cause serious health issues and may lead to death. Your cat may be have been exposed when a vaccination lapsed or she had the disease before you adopted her. If your cat is FeLV-positive, keep her inside and away from other cats so to avoid further transmission. This disease is not contagious to dogs or humans. You will need to deal with weight loss and secondary infections under a medical professional’s guidance. This may include special diets and nutritional supplements, antibiotics, blood transfusions or even IV fluid treatment. Most cats who are infected with FeLV will die from a related condition within two or three years after exposure but can live relatively normal lives during this time. Make sure any companion cats are vaccinated regularly for FeLV exposure. They should be tested before vaccination to make sure they haven’t already been exposed. Learn more from your Frisco, TX veterinary cli
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Feline leukemia (FeLV) is a virus that can cause serious health issues and may lead to death. Your cat may be have been exposed when a vaccination lapsed or she had the disease before you adopted her. If your cat is FeLV-positive, keep her inside and away from other cats so to avoid further transmission. This disease is not contagious to dogs or humans. You will need to deal with weight loss and secondary infections under a medical professional’s guidance. This may include special diets and nutritional supplements, antibiotics, blood transfusions or even IV fluid treatment. Most cats who are infected with FeLV will die from a related condition within two or three years after exposure but can live relatively normal lives during this time. Make sure any companion cats are vaccinated regularly for FeLV exposure. They should be tested before vaccination to make sure they haven’t already been exposed. Learn more from your Frisco, TX veterinary cli
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Teaching your dog to sit on command is essential to getting your dog under control quickly and obedience training, in general, helps you bond with your dog and develop a relationship of trust. Start by getting down to your dog’s level. Hold a treat in front of his nose to get his attention. Raise the treat up and over your dog’s head so he has to lower his rear end to continue following it. Say your dog’s name followed by the SIT command. As soon as your dog’s rear end touches the floor, give him the treat and lots of praise. Practice this often and increase the time your dog is sitting before giving him the treat. Next reduce the number of treats so eventually your dog will sit by your command alone. Keep sessions short and fun. Be patient and never punish your dog during training. Contact your Frisco, TX vet to learn more. Visit this link:
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With the cold weather upon us, you will need to protect your dog. Even though your dog has a fur coat, it may not be sufficient to keep him warm especially if he small or has short hair. Consider investing in a doggy sweater or jacket. Protect your dog’s feet. Check that clumps of ice don’t form in the hair between the toes. Consider coating the paw pads with petroleum jelly or investing in doggy booties to protect against the cold. Booties also protect against cuts and abrasions. Deicing chemicals and road salt can irritate your dog’s feet so rinse his feet off when you have returned from the outside. Pick the warmest part of the day to go outside for exercise and consider several short walks than one long one to lower the risk of frostbite. However, make sure your dog gets some exercise daily. For more information, contact your Frisco, TX veterinarian. Or visit this link.
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Cats make good apartment pets since they don’t need a lot of space and can spend their entire life indoors. Before adopting a cat for your apartment, check your lease to make sure you are allowed to have pets. Some leases identify the number or size of acceptable pets. Others include a security deposit or an additional monthly fee in the rent amount. Don’t risk having to get rid of a loved pet because you didn’t read the lease. Make room for your new cat. The eating/drinking station should be in a different area than the litter box. Set up some areas where your cat can perch and peruse her new territory. And give her a private bed where she can hide if desired. Give your cat plenty of fun toys. Ask a friend to stop in if she will be alone for a long time. Contact your animal hospital Plano, TX to learn more.
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As your dog ages, he may display signs of dementia. This cognitive dysfunction may cause your dog to act confused, anxious and irritable. He may not want to play, lick items excessively and stop grooming like he used to. Your dog may become incontinent, lose his appetite and have difficulties sleeping. He may have difficulty with seeing and hearing too. Some of these symptoms are found in a number of other medical conditions. However, blood, urine and stool tests plus a number of other diagnostic tools can rule out these conditions and provide a clear diagnosis. There is no cure for dementia but you can support your dog with good nutrition, ample exercise and lots of patience and love. Your vet may prescribe a special diet to help with cognitive function. Never punish your dog for lapses in behavior that are typical are dementia. For more information, talk to your veterinarian Plano, TX.
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Lyme disease is caused by a tick-borne bacteria that can cause lameness and inflammation of your dog’s joints. This disease can also cause neurological problems and kidney problems in severe cases. You may notice a stiff gait, difficulty breathing, fever and ever swollen lymph nodes. Lyme disease can be diagnosed through blood work. Since the symptoms are similar to those of other diseases, a clear diagnosis is needed. If your dog has Lyme disease, he will be treated with antibiotics and possibly anti-inflammatory medication. Lyme disease is often transmitted by deer ticks and the infection has been discovered in all 50 states of the United States. The best course of action is to prevent tick bites in the first place. Use a monthly tick preventive medication all year round and check your dog for evidence of tick bites regularly. Learn more from your Plano, TX veterinary clinic.
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Lyme disease is caused by a tick-borne bacteria that can cause lameness and inflammation of your dog’s joints. This disease can also cause neurological problems and kidney problems in severe cases. You may notice a stiff gait, difficulty breathing, fever and ever swollen lymph nodes. Lyme disease can be diagnosed through blood work. Since the symptoms are similar to those of other diseases, a clear diagnosis is needed. If your dog has Lyme disease, he will be treated with antibiotics and possibly anti-inflammatory medication. Lyme disease is often transmitted by deer ticks and the infection has been discovered in all 50 states of the United States. The best course of action is to prevent tick bites in the first place. Use a monthly tick preventive medication all year round and check your dog for evidence of tick bites regularly. Learn more from your Plano, TX veterinary clinic.
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Your cat means a lot to your family, and you all want to have her around for as long as you can. However, you know that obesity can creep into her life quickly if weight gain is left unaddressed. How can you prevent this?
Your cat needs you to take the time to evaluate her lifestyle on a regular basis. Take into account her activity level, and make a point to increase this through play if and when need. Think about what she regularly eats, and determine if she is getting appropriate portions of both food and treats. Be sure she is getting all the nutrients her body needs, and change her food if necessary. She should be eating a high-quality option filled with natural ingredients to keep her body healthy. Your local Happy Valley, OR veterinarian can help you care for your pet. Learn more here.
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Your family will soon be adding a hedgehog to your household, and you want to have everything on hand to care for your new companion. What should you make sure to purchase to feed your hedgehog?
Your pet will need nutrients from a few different sources in order to stay fit and healthy. This will include commercial mixes of both wet and dry varieties. These will help your pet get a good amount of the nutrients he needs, but you should also supplement this with other items. Fresh produce is a necessity, as are high protein foods. Be mindful of portion sizes as you feed your pet, and be sure to keep track of what you are offering so his vet can get an idea of his diet and make any necessary changes. Your local vet services Happy Valley, OR can offer additional suggestions.
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Getting a proper night’s sleep is something that is immensely important to both you and your pet, so making an effort to help her sleep at night is a necessity, as is her letting you get some much needed shut-eye.
Young puppies may need attention every so often, and may not be able to make it through a whole night without someone tending to them, so be sure your pet can in fact handle this amount of time on her own before you expect it of her. When able, make sure your pet’s needs are met prior to heading off to bed. Take her for a walk, let her use the restroom, and be sure she is comfortable in the area you would like her to stay in for the evening. For additional information, please contact your local vet Happy Valley, OR.
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