Main » 2016 » December » 29

Handling your cat properly can elicit a sense of security and trust. To pick up your cat, act quickly and efficiently. Use one hand under her chest and use the other hand to scoop her up by the hindquarters. Pull your cat close to your chest so she is not of risk of falling. Watch your cat’s body language to determine when picking her up is welcome. For instance, never pick up a sleeping cat or you may frighten her and she may lash out by scratching or biting. Pet your cat in the direction her fur grows and get to know the “approved” areas. Some cats are uncomfortable with you handling her legs and belly. Even covering her eyes may be unwelcome. Handle your cat’s feet and nails plus her teeth and gums to better enable grooming tasks. Don’t forget time for cuddling. Contact your Eagle, ID vet to learn more or click here.

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Views: 474 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 12.29.2016 | Comments (0)

Your cat may scratch your furniture, rugs and carpets, much to your dismay. Scratching allows your cat to remove the old, worn nails and expose new, sharp ones. Your cat also scratches to mark her territory, which is now your home. This releases scent from glands in her feet and leaves a visual marker too. Thus you may never keep your cat from scratching entirely. Put scratching posts and mats where your cat scratches inappropriately. Cover these inappropriate places with aluminum strips or double-sided tape since this will feel weird to your cat and deter her from scratching. Redirect her to the scratching posts and mats. Praise your cat if she uses the appropriate surfaces on her own. However, never punish her if she relapses. Just redirect her once again. Use patience and kindness as your cat learns what is expected of her. Contact your Wake Forest, NC vet to learn more.

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Views: 459 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 12.29.2016 | Comments (0)

You probably spend plenty of time feeding your rabbit, but are you feeding your furry friend the right way?

When you feed your rabbit can be important. Bunnies are smart, and they’ll learn exactly when it’s dinner time or snack time. Feed your pet at the same times each day and he’ll quickly catch on.

Where do you put the food in the cage? Placing his food in his bowl is an easy way to feed him, but if you want to give your rabbit a bit of a challenge, try hiding tasty treats in his cage for him to find!

The quality of the food you feed your rabbit is important too. A pellet-based diet is best, as long as you supplement it with fresh fruit and vegetables.

To learn more about what to feed your rabbit, click here, or call your veterinary clin ... Read more »

Views: 445 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 12.29.2016 | Comments (0)

Your family is excited to bring a cat into the household, and you’ve been thinking about what would fit your family best. Many people opt for kittens, but you’re looking into adopting an older cat. Are there any benefits to doing so?

There are a lot of reasons to adopt an older cat instead of going with the traditional kitten. First, your family may simply be a better fit for an older cat as they aren’t so rambunctious. Second, because these animals are calmer and have more life experience, they are able to handle being a bit more independent. This may mean that your pet won’t require as much supervision as a young kitten would. Lastly, you would be giving a home to an animal who may not otherwise find one. For more information, please contact your local Racine, WI vet.

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Views: 485 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 12.29.2016 | Comments (0)