Main » 2016 » December » 28 » Why does My Poodle Eat Poop?
2:39 PM
Why does My Poodle Eat Poop?

Did you know that various dogs of all breeds occasionally have the habit of eating their own poop or the poop of other animals? If your poodle is eating his own poop or other animal poop, give your vet a call. This type of behavior is called Coprophagia and is common among a vast number of animals. If your poodle is eating his own poop on a regular basis, schedule an appointment with your vet and have your dog checked to rule out any illness. It is often thought that dogs eat their own poop due to a lack of nutrients in their diets; however, there are no definite scientific studies to support this view. Many veterinarians suggest dog owners discourage their dog from eating his own poop as it could spread bacteria such as Salmonella. To discourage your poodle from eating his poop, ask your veterinarian Omaha, NE about adding a deterrent to your dog’s food.

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