Some breeds of dogs “blow hair” or shed off at specific times of the year. Fall sees these dogs shedding hair to grow a heavy winter coat, which is then shed off during spring as the days grow warmer. The mess during shedding can certainly be a challenge. Here are tips to help you deal with all the hair:
- Brushing your dog every day can remove hairs before they fall off to the floor. A lint roller can be used to remove hair in between brushings.
- Bathe your dog with warm water for it can help loosen dead hair. Running a hound glove all over his body can also help remove hair. Your pet will benefit from a warm bath with a coat conditioner at least once a week while he is shedding.
- Use the right tools to removal hair. Make sure you know how to use them; you can easily injure your pet if you don’t use them gently an
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Your family is filled with dog lovers, and everyone has agreed that it’s finally time to bring a furry friend into the household. However, they’ve also noted that there are a lot of different options and it will be hard to decide which dog is right for your family.
To narrow down your choices, you will need to look at what you can really offer a dog. Determine how much time you have, what your living space looks like, and what exactly is in the budget for care. All of these will impact your choices. You should also take into account the preferences of your family. Try to determine which breeds you would like, and which would thrive under the care you can offer. Your local Marietta, GA vet clinic can help you care for your pet. Schedule an appointment today.
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Your dog shares your living space with you, and this means that it should be equally as safe for you as it is for your pet. However, the ways to make the area safe for each of you are quite different. For example, you can handle being around substances that would be toxic to you if ingested. Your dog simply can’t, as he may ingest them without knowing the consequences.
To remove these from his reach, you will first need to determine what the toxins actually are. Cleaning products, pesticides, and even some human foods can be harmful to your pet. Research other items if you aren’t entirely sure of their safety. Place these up high where your pet won’t be able to get to them, or locked away in cabinets he can’t open. When possible, leave these items out of your home life entirely. Your local veterinarian Marietta GA can offer additional advice.
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Some dogs can be so stubborn that training one can stretch your patience to the limits. Each training session feels like the owner is caught up in a battle of wills with his pet. Some pet parents tend to give up after they realize how frustrating and exhausting it can be to lock horns with an obstinate dog.
But training even the most stubborn dogs is not always a hopeless venture. Many pet owners with stubborn pets may not be aware that the solution may be as simple as switching to another approach. Dog owners should always remember that there are no dogs that are not trainable; their behaviors just don’t meet human standards of acceptable behavior. It is for this reason that when there are specific canine behavior issues that you need to address, be prepared with lots of patience, time, and effort.
Don’t hesitate to seek help
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Cats have peculiar sleeping habits. They tend to sleep during daytime and are up and about at night. In fact, cats can spend 10-16 hours a day sleeping. This behavior is necessary for their crepuscular predatory habits. It is actually a leftover behavior they have inherited from their ancestors who had to hunt during the cooler hours of the day – dusk and dawn—and sleep during daytime when it’s too hot to venture out in the wild. They also need enough sleep so their body can efficiently digest their high-protein diet.
Have you noticed that even if your kitty has a comfortable bed to sleep on, he still chooses to sleep on your chest or next to you? Cats generally gravitate toward warm places where they feel more safe and comfortable. Being close to their humans also triggers oxytocin release, which is also called a “feel-good” hormone.
You should talk t
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Your cat is an adorable part of your household, and you really enjoy being able to care for her. In order to help her stay well-groomed, you have taken it upon yourself to help her out a bit. What should you be doing in particular?
Your cat will need you to help her with the things she can’t handle on her own. This means removing anything that gets on her fur that would be hazardous for her to ingest, seems excessive, or needs a bit more than she can give it for removal. She will also need you to access any areas she simply can’t get to. Brushing her fur is a great way to remove tangled fur, shed fur, and any foreign debris that has gotten caught on her throughout her adventures. For more information, please contact your local Marietta, GA veterinarian.
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