Did you know that eye injuries are a common occurrence in many of our canine companions including the Papillon? Eye injuries; however, should always be taken seriously and attended to by a vet. Whether a little irritation or a large injury, always call your vet when it comes to your Papillon’s eye health. The eye can show signs of irritation due to an eyelash or some type of debris. Irritation and inflammation can also be caused by a scratch whether big or small. Signs that your Papillon may have scratched his eye include watery eyes, green or yellow eye discharge, squinting, excessive blinking, and an avoidance of bright lights. Always call your vet when dealing with a possible eye irritation or injury. A small irritation could lead to excessive damage to the eye if not treated by a professional. Your vet Olathe, KS may want to “stain” your Papillon’s eye to locate any debris or sc
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Does your Birman appear to be constantly scratching at her eye or appears to have water or mucus draining from her eyes? If so, call your vet as eye injuries or infections can rapidly develop into something serious. Infections in a cat’s eye are not uncommon, but most often require immediate treatment by a veterinarian professional. Infectious agents and viruses are one of the more common causes of eye infections in cats. If your Birman appears to have an eye infection make sure to isolate her from other cats in the home as it could be contagious. Allergies, injury, trauma, and every day dust blowing around in the wind can also cause your cat to develop weepy, watery eyes or even mucus discharge. In older cats, eye infections may be the result of an underlying condition. Talk with your veterinary clinic Olathe, KS for treatment and care details.
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If you own a Yorkie then you’re probably familiar with how curious this breed can be and how childlike they can sometimes act. One of the first rules of pet ownership is to make sure your house is pet proof. If you own a small breed like the Yorkie, you need to take extra precautions to make sure all cabinets are securely latched and there are no little crevices where your tiny pup can squeeze through and explore. This especially goes for cleaning supplies. It’s important to keep your cleaning supplies up high out of reach of your Yorkie. However, accidents can happen, and if your Yorkie manages to get into the cleaning supplies and expose his eyes to the chemicals, please call your vet immediately. Your vet will most likely want you to bring your Yorkie in right away. If possible, bring the cleaner so your veterinarian Olathe, KS can identify the main chemical ingredient.
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