Main » 2016 » August » 2 » Does Your Cat Spend Most Of The Day Sleeping?
5:35 PM
Does Your Cat Spend Most Of The Day Sleeping?

Cats have peculiar sleeping habits. They tend to sleep during daytime and are up and about at night. In fact, cats can spend 10-16 hours a day sleeping. This behavior is necessary for their crepuscular predatory habits. It is actually a leftover behavior they have inherited from their ancestors who had to hunt during the cooler hours of the day – dusk and dawn—and sleep during daytime when it’s too hot to venture out in the wild. They also need enough sleep so their body can efficiently digest their high-protein diet.

Have you noticed that even if your kitty has a comfortable bed to sleep on, he still chooses to sleep on your chest or next to you? Cats generally gravitate toward warm places where they feel more safe and comfortable. Being close to their humans also triggers oxytocin release, which is also called a “feel-good” hormone.

You should talk to your animal hospital Glendale, AZ if you notice any changes in your pet’s eating or sleeping patterns.

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