Main » 2016 » August » 2 » Your dog and toxic items in your home
7:29 PM
Your dog and toxic items in your home

Your dog shares your living space with you, and this means that it should be equally as safe for you as it is for your pet. However, the ways to make the area safe for each of you are quite different. For example, you can handle being around substances that would be toxic to you if ingested. Your dog simply can’t, as he may ingest them without knowing the consequences.

To remove these from his reach, you will first need to determine what the toxins actually are. Cleaning products, pesticides, and even some human foods can be harmful to your pet. Research other items if you aren’t entirely sure of their safety. Place these up high where your pet won’t be able to get to them, or locked away in cabinets he can’t open. When possible, leave these items out of your home life entirely. Your local veterinarian Marietta GA can offer additional advice.

Views: 430 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: veterinarian Marietta GA | Rating: 5.0/1
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