Bladder stones can be painful and cause a wide range of problems for your cat. Fortunately, they are preventable and treatable.
Bladder stones start out as a collection of minerals and other materials in the bladder that can grow over time. A cat suffering with bladder stones may stop using the litter box, may go to the bathroom frequently but expel very little urine, and their urine may even be discolored.
Fortunately, bladder stones aren’t life threatening and can be diagnosed fairly easily. However, some bladder stones have to be surgically removed, so prevention really is the best method.
Choose a pet food that is low in phosphorus and magnesium. Dehydration can also be a problem when it comes to bladder stones, so make sure you provide your cat with plenty of water. You can even get dry food wet or feed your cat wet food.
To learn more about bladder stones, call your vet Cherry Hill.
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Although many pet parents enjoy licking behavior, it can be a nuisance to others. But why do dogs like to lick us anyway?
In some cases, the obvious answer is the best answer. Sometimes you just taste good! Whether you’ve been cooking and your hands still taste like lunch or your skin tastes a bit salty, sometimes dogs just like the way you taste.
Licking can also be a sign of affection. Because their mothers licked them frequently as pups, they have come to associate the act with love and comfort. In this way, licking can also show submission as it’s a tender act that originally took place been a mother and her pup.
Dogs can also learn a lot about you and your scent by licking you. In many cases, this is why a dog may lick a visitor in your home.
For more information, visit the website of Central Marin Cat & Exotic Hospital, or call your vet San Rafael.
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Adopting a dog should be a very exciting time for your family. However, it is extremely important that you prepare yourself for the demands of dog ownership.
Before your new dog comes home, make sure you dog-proof the house. Lock away toxic substances and cleaning supplies. Make sure plants are up high and out of reach. If you have children, make sure you discuss the importance of picking up small objects, like pennies and crayons, which can easily be gobbled up by your new pooch.
Stock up on all of the appropriate materials before your dog comes home. Invest in good dog bowls and purchase a high-quality dog food. Don’t forg
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Just like humans, cats, and dogs, pet birds can also become overweight. However, due to their small size, they can also become underweight very easy. Helping your bird maintain a healthy weight is extremely important to his health and happiness.
In order to determine if your bird is the right weight, you should schedule an appointment with your veterinarian Glendale. Birds that are allowed to fly can sometimes become underweight while non-flying birds are at a greater risk of being overweight.
A balanced diet is the best way to ensure your fea
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If you are considering adding a feathered friend to your family, it is important that you choose a bird very carefully.
Consider how much time you have for a bird. If your family is always on the go, it’s best to choose a low maintenance bird that doesn’t like a lot of physical contact. Canaries make great pets for busy families because they are easy to take care for and don’t require human interaction.
If you want to spend a lot of time with your bird, you may want to choose a parrot. They are extremely intelligent and many species can even be taught to speak. Just make sure you’re pre
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Although many people prefer smaller dogs, if you have a large home and property, you may want to consider adopting a larger dog breed.
Great Danes are one of the largest dog breeds. The world record for the largest dog actually goes to this breed. They commonly weight over 100 pounds, but are gentle giants, and can be great fun for small children who would like a ride!
The Saint Bernard is a huge dog with a warm personality. Originally bred to rescue travelers in the Alps, these dogs have big, fluffy coats that need regular grooming.
Mastiffs are also a great choice if you’re looking for a larger dog. However, having a Mastiff around means you will spend a lot of time cleaning up doggy drool!
For more information on these breeds or other large dog breeds, click here or call your vet Poway.
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Living with a bird is a unique experience. Unfortunately, night frights can be especially alarming to bird owners.
When your bird is disturbed or frightened in the middle of the night, he may engage in night fright behavior. Your bird will begin thrashing around the cage wildly, which can be extremely damaging to your feathered friend. Birds that engage in night fright behavior can injure their eyes, blood feathers, feet, and beak, in which case, you’ll have to visit your veterinarian North Phoenix.
Once the episode starts, there really isn’t anything you can do until your bird calms down on his own. However, it is important that you do what you can to eliminate the situation from happening again. If it’s a bit too dark, consider plugging in a nightlight. If it&rsqu
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Introductions are extremely important between cats and newborns. During the first few months of your child’s life, it is extremely important that you keep your newborn safe around your cat.
When you first bring your baby home, do not introduce him to your cat at first. Seclude your cat in another room and place a baby item in the room with him. This will let your cat get used to your baby’s scent.
During the first introduction, make sure you have a friend present to restrain the cat, if needed. Some cats can go into fight or flight mode when confronted with something as unfamiliar as a baby.
As the cat is allowed to wander around the house, make sure that you are always monitoring your baby to prevent your cat from making any quick moves. You should also keep the cat out of the nursery.
Your vet Oceanside can also provide you with more tips.
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