Main » 2015 » April » 18 » Keeping a Newborn Safe around a Cat
1:08 AM
Keeping a Newborn Safe around a Cat

Introductions are extremely important between cats and newborns. During the first few months of your child’s life, it is extremely important that you keep your newborn safe around your cat.

When you first bring your baby home, do not introduce him to your cat at first. Seclude your cat in another room and place a baby item in the room with him. This will let your cat get used to your baby’s scent.

During the first introduction, make sure you have a friend present to restrain the cat, if needed. Some cats can go into fight or flight mode when confronted with something as unfamiliar as a baby.

As the cat is allowed to wander around the house, make sure that you are always monitoring your baby to prevent your cat from making any quick moves. You should also keep the cat out of the nursery.

Your vet Oceanside can also provide you with more tips.

Views: 462 | Added by: Jessicap | Rating: 0.0/0
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