In general, cats are pretty good at grooming themselves. However, there are some things you can do to help keep your cat’s coat, and your house, nice and clean.
Some cats have long toe hair. Although it may seem cute, it can actually cause some problems. First, litter, sand, and mud can quickly become lodged in the fur between the toes, which makes walking very uncomfortable. In addition, long toe hair makes it more likely that your cat will scatter debris as he walks throughout your home.
An easy solution to this problem is to trim up your cat’s toe hair. Simply take a pair of scissors and trim the hair so that it is even with the pads of your cat’s feet. This is also a great time to check on your cat’s claws
For professional assistance, schedule an appointment with your vets Douglasville, GA.
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It’s not uncommon to watch a cat go to work grooming his coat. However, watching a cat bite his nails can be a big surprise. Fortunately, there is usually nothing to worry about.
Cats are fastidious groomers, and the nails are no exception. In most cases, cats will use a scratching post to shed the outer sheath of the nail and expose the sharper nail underneath. However, some cats have been known to chew on their nails if one is being particularly troublesome.
There are some cases where you will want to check in with your vet Euless, TX. Some cats develop nail biting behavior due to anxiety. The best way to eliminate anxious nail biting behavior is to alter the cat’s living environment.
Dental health, injuries, and infections can all cause nail biting behavior, so make sure you take a look inside your cat’s mouth, as well as around the nails and paws for injuries.
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Your vet can tell you that canine diabetes can affect all dogs including breeds like the Standard Schnauzer. Generally, canine diabetes is most often seen in obese dogs, female dogs, and in senior dogs. There have; however, been numerous instances when diabetes occurs in young dogs or even in male dogs. Standard Schnauzers that have diabetes will most likely be extremely thirsty and urinate frequently. The primary job of insulin is to trigger the liver and muscles to convert glucose from the blood into sugar. When this doesn’t happen there is an excessive amount of glucose in the blood stream, which is discharged from the body through urination. An increase in thirst and a lack of energy will soon appear. Other symptoms of diabetes may include hunger, weight loss, lethargy, vomiting, enlarged liver, cataracts, bladder or kidney infection, and even obesity. Talk to your vet Indianapolis, IN to learn
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Did you know that the Keeshond breed is among several breeds of dogs that are prone to illnesses and diseases that can affect their mobility? One such disease is Degenerative Myelopathy (DM), which can cause the loss of mobility and feeling in the legs. If your Keeshond has been diagnosed with a condition that affects his mobility, talk to your vet about a specialized dog cart or wheelchair for your dog. Specialized carts have been created to give your dog back some of his mobility. For instance, Eddie’s Wheels and develop carts for dogs with DM. These carts are standard rear wheel carts that are essentially used like walkers. The cart allows the dog to take his regular stride with the front legs while the cart rolls along carrying the backend. Models are available for all dog sizes and can be ordered to specifically fit your Keeshond. Talk to your vet Indianapolis, IN for more informati
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You love your dog, but there are times when her breath leaves a bit to be desired. How can you help your dog maintain fresh breath?
It may take some time to figure out what is causing your pet’s foul breath, but rest assured that you will likely be able to correct the issue within a reasonable amount of time. The most likely cause is poor oral hygiene, so make a point to check over your dog’s mouth. If you haven’t been brushing his teeth regularly, now is the time to begin. Your pet may also be eating something that is causing the unsavory breath odor, in which case switching food can be a great way to solve the problem. There are also treats designed to freshen your pet’s breath if all else fails. Your local Athens, GA vet can help you care for your pet. Click here for more information.
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