Uveitis is an eye condition that causes inflammation to the inner parts of a bird’s eye (i.e. the iris). It is a common eye condition in various types of birds including the African Grey. Symptoms of Uveitis may include small pupils, inflammation on the inside of the cornea, retinal detachment, etc. As with any eye injury or illness, you should always contact your vet if you notice swelling, inflammation, discoloration, or bulging of the eye in your African Grey. Uveitis may also be a symptom of an internal disease in your African Grey. Your vet will need to conduct a thorough exam to make a diagnosis and possibly identify any underlying cause for the Uveitis. If left untreated, this condition may lead to cataracts, which may cause your African Grey to lose partial or complete vision. Generally, cataracts are not removed in smaller birds. Talk to your vet Louisville, CO for further information.
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If you own an African Grey or other type of bird then you’re probably used to the number of times your bird has fallen from his perch, accidentally flown into something in the house, or even managed to get dust into his eyes. Birds can be activity creatures and with activity comes occasional injury. If you notice that your African Grey has injured his eye, contact your vet immediately. Signs of an eye injury can include a red, swollen eyelid, partial or total closure of the eyelid, squinting, rubbing of the eye and side of the face with the wing, discoloration of the eye surface, inflammation of the third eyelid, etc. These symptoms could be from a variety of causes, but may generally be from trash, debris or other irritants entering your bird’s eye. Your vet Louisville, CO may have you flush your bird’s eye with water or a preservative-free saline. For more details, click here.
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If you suspect your Finch is suffering from epileptic seizures, please contact your vet right away. Your local veterinarian can help you identify the signs and symptoms associated with seizure activity. For instance, symptoms of a seizure may involve confusion, convulsion, involuntary crying out, involuntary body movement and even loss of balance. Typical seizures in Finches and other birds usually occur in three phases. The first phase may involve abnormal behavior. The second phase may involve disorientation and uncoordinated movements. Your Finch may even fall from his perch, go into convulsions, cry out or even defecate uncontrollably. The third phase may involve exhaustion, confusion and restlessness. Call your vet Louisville, CO right away if your Finch has any of these symptoms. It’s important to note that not all Finches suffer from seizures. Those that do suffer from seizures generally recov
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