Main » 2015 » December » 8 » Cats That Bite Their Nails
10:48 AM
Cats That Bite Their Nails

It’s not uncommon to watch a cat go to work grooming his coat. However, watching a cat bite his nails can be a big surprise. Fortunately, there is usually nothing to worry about.

Cats are fastidious groomers, and the nails are no exception. In most cases, cats will use a scratching post to shed the outer sheath of the nail and expose the sharper nail underneath. However, some cats have been known to chew on their nails if one is being particularly troublesome.

There are some cases where you will want to check in with your vet Euless, TX. Some cats develop nail biting behavior due to anxiety. The best way to eliminate anxious nail biting behavior is to alter the cat’s living environment.

Dental health, injuries, and infections can all cause nail biting behavior, so make sure you take a look inside your cat’s mouth, as well as around the nails and paws for injuries.

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