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One vital consideration of responsible pet owners is their dog’s or cat’s nutrition. It is not enough to feed them any type of pet food available in the pet shop. It is important that you should know the requirements of specific life stages in order to give them the right food specially formulated for each stage. 
Below are the things that you need to ask yourself when choosing food for your pet. You may need the assistance of a veterinarian Jensen Beach for an in-depth understanding of the issues that influences your pet’s diet. 
 Health requirement 
Some pets suffer from specific health problems that warrant special diets 
which are prescribed by a veterinarian. 
 Your pet’s life stage 
A puppy has different nutritional requirements compared to an adult dog. 
Thus, feeding adult food to a pu ... Read more »

Views: 550 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 05.05.2014 | Comments (0)

Cats are obviously not designed to stand like humans, but sometimes, whether to see over something or to appear far more intimidating, a cat will actually stand solely on its two rear paws to ‘assert its presence’.

If you see your cat do this, and it doesn’t look happy, it’d be a wise idea to leave your cat alone for a little while.

But then again, sometimes cats do this just to get a better look at whatever it is they’re looking at.

Usually, when a cat goes up on its rear paws and quite literally, right up on tiptoe, it usually holds onto a ledge or something with its front paws, but cats have been known to stand up without any support.

For more information on other unique things cats can do, you can click on this link to go to the website of the veterinarian Montgomery County.

Views: 498 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 05.05.2014 | Comments (0)

There are many cat (and dog) owners who struggle to keep their pet from chewing up everything they can find when they are little.

Teething is a moment cat owners fear because your cat will not care what it teethes on, so long as it teethes.

There are many ways to focus your cat’s teething, and one of them is to spread catnip on what you want it to teethe on, then get your cat to smell the catnip.

Punishing your cat for teething is wrong however, as its teething is a natural thing. Think of a baby, and how the baby teethes on those plastic rings and such. Cats do the same thing with whatever they can find.

To learn more info on this subject, you can visit the site for the veterinarian Burbank by clicking here on the link.

Views: 482 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 05.05.2014 | Comments (0)

If you’ve trained your dog to stand on its rear legs, or it does it all by itself, then you’ve likely wondered what kind of damage it would do to a dog’s legs?

In truth, it doesn’t really hurt them. Dogs are usually only standing for a few seconds, then they have to come back down. If you are holding your dog’s front paws and pretending to dance with it, it’s not entirely a bad thing, just don’t do it for too long.

Dogs have, on the rare occasion, been known to join in if they see people in a conga line. Dogs are curious, and feel the need to partake in this instance, and so they go up on their hind legs and, with difficulty, are actually able to follow in the line for a couple of seconds.

If you visit the veterinary clinic Caledonia, you can find more information on this.

The website is located here, and you can learn how to get your dog to stand for what it believes i ... Read more »

Views: 471 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 05.05.2014 | Comments (0)