Main » 2014 » May » 5 » To Stop Your Cat From Teething on Your Furniture…
3:24 PM
To Stop Your Cat From Teething on Your Furniture…

There are many cat (and dog) owners who struggle to keep their pet from chewing up everything they can find when they are little.

Teething is a moment cat owners fear because your cat will not care what it teethes on, so long as it teethes.

There are many ways to focus your cat’s teething, and one of them is to spread catnip on what you want it to teethe on, then get your cat to smell the catnip.

Punishing your cat for teething is wrong however, as its teething is a natural thing. Think of a baby, and how the baby teethes on those plastic rings and such. Cats do the same thing with whatever they can find.

To learn more info on this subject, you can visit the site for the veterinarian Burbank by clicking here on the link.

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