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Surprisingly enough, it has been seen that some people possess crows as pets. If you are one of these owners of this common, but still exotic bird, then read on!

What many people fail to realize is that crows are quite intelligent. Most birds are, but crows display signs of intelligence that some others don’t. As the years go by, crows are becoming less and less afraid of humans and are finally beginning to get acclimated to our presence proper.

If you like to feed wild crows, then you’ve likely seen them fly away when seagulls show up. It’s a display of their smarts, as they know they can’t really take on a seagull in a one-on-one fight, so they fly away.

For pet crows, owners should know that crows, like cats and dogs, will listen to your tone of voice when speaking to it in order to determine what your mood is. However, crows are so used to the wilderness that you may find them doing things they’d normally do out there.

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Views: 504 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 05.01.2014 | Comments (0)

You’ve just moved into a new home with your cat, and your cat is extremely nervous and anxious.

The first thing you should allow your cat to do is to explore the new house, as this is a completely unfamiliar place. It’s the same concept as your parent picking you up and taking you to the Arctic. Completely unfamiliar. You’d be nervous too.

As you unpack and your cat is looking around, it’ll take your cat quite a while to get accustomed, as with the unpacking, several “new” things are being set up in the home that will further baffle your cat, so great care must be taken when acclimating your cat.

There are other things you can do to make your cat more comfortable, such as introducing your cat to the new home long before moving in, if possible.

For more info, you can view this website, and learn from the veterinary clinic Lake Ridge.

Views: 495 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 05.01.2014 | Comments (0)

There are a numerous amount of reasons why your dog would not want to eat anything.

If you have recently moved to a new home, or have simply travelled a far distance in a vehicle, it is possible that your dog may have been slightly traumatized, as dogs cannot stand vehicular motion unless trained to.

Dogs (and other animals) are used to a certain schedule, a certain place, a certain anything, really. If you suddenly decide to up and move to a new location, it’ll completely throw your dog off, and they may stop eating because it’s still adjusting to the new home.

There are a multitude of other reasons why dogs will stop eating, and one way to find out is to visit the website for the veterinary clinic Bloomingdale, by clicking right here.

When your dog stops eating, it is time for a vet visit to determine the cause and how to help your dog eat better.

Views: 478 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 05.01.2014 | Comments (0)

The African Pygmy Hedgehog has a menacing exterior, yet is it an adorable pet overflowing with personality. Normally shy, hedgehogs become tame when given proper socialization. 

The hedgehog is an insectivore with an average lifespan of 3-5 years. They reach sexual maturity by 68 days, but first mating usually occurs at 6-8 months. 

Hedgehogs prefer quiet and dim environments. They can easily get frightened when subjected to loud noises or bright light. 

A hedgehog’s cage must have sufficient room for exercise. A smooth-walled enclosure is recommended to prevent escape. Wire mesh bottoms should be avoided since it can injure the hedgehog’s feet and legs. Hedgehogs value their privacy and require a suitable hiding spot inside their enclosures. For bedding, use aspen shavings or recycled newspaper. Pine, cedar, or cat litter should  ... Read more »

Views: 507 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 05.01.2014 | Comments (0)

Anxiety is a common behavior in dogs that is often manifested in specific situations where a pet dog is not comfortable with his environment, or he craves the attention of the human members of the pack. When your dog experiences anxiety, it can prevent your dog from enjoying life. Anxiety can also make training programs more difficult.

Some dogs may develop separation anxiety when they spend more time away from their owners. When left along for long periods of time, a dog can develop undesirable behaviors that are typically destructive. In order to understand why dogs have the tendency for separation anxiety, you have to consider that by nature, a dog is a pack animal. 

Training is essential in order to help your dog deal with being alone for several hours each day. There are ways to help your dog know why he is alone at specific hours of the day. One of the best ways is to get him accustomed to your routine. Start by ... Read more »

Views: 542 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 05.01.2014 | Comments (0)