Main » 2014 » May » 5 » When a Cat Goes Up on its Rear Legs
4:25 PM
When a Cat Goes Up on its Rear Legs

Cats are obviously not designed to stand like humans, but sometimes, whether to see over something or to appear far more intimidating, a cat will actually stand solely on its two rear paws to ‘assert its presence’.

If you see your cat do this, and it doesn’t look happy, it’d be a wise idea to leave your cat alone for a little while.

But then again, sometimes cats do this just to get a better look at whatever it is they’re looking at.

Usually, when a cat goes up on its rear paws and quite literally, right up on tiptoe, it usually holds onto a ledge or something with its front paws, but cats have been known to stand up without any support.

For more information on other unique things cats can do, you can click on this link to go to the website of the veterinarian Montgomery County.

Views: 497 | Added by: Jessicap | Rating: 0.0/0
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