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If you are sitting quietly in your house, and the only thing you can hear is your dog repeatedly “coughing”, then it should be made known to you that your dog could only have a tickle in its throat, or it could have a severe problem that requires immediate veterinary attention.

Whether it’s severe or not, a trip to the vet is highly recommended, as you can never be too careful when it comes to your dog.

The veterinarian will examine your dog and soon enough be able to tell you if it’s something severe, or if it is something that a simple antibiotic will help remove from its system.

So if your dog is seen or heard to be coughing for an unusual amount of time, consider bringing it to the vet.

You can find out more about your dog and other possible illnesses it can have by following this link to the website of the veterinary clinic Woodbridge.

Views: 488 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 05.24.2014 | Comments (0)

Through owning your cat, you may have noticed that your cat’s fur coat loses its lustre as it gets older, and this is mostly due to the nature of your cat’s feeding.

The nutrients a cat receives from eating healthy food contributes to every individual hair on their bodies being more shiny and sleek.

A shiny kitty is a healthy kitty, and the only things you have to do are to make sure your cat is eating the right foods, and to make sure your cat is groomed and washed regularly. Washing your cat can be a problem, as cats hate water, but so long as you don’t pour water on your cats, perhaps try a sponge, your cat may be able to sit fairly still when being washed.

You can look up more info about how to ensure a cat’s shiny fur coat stays that way by clicking here on the link for the site of the veterinary clinic San Fernando Valley.

Views: 489 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 05.24.2014 | Comments (0)

Rabbits are highly social creatures and enjoy interactive sessions with humans. If you have just brought home a rabbit, you may find your new pet is often shy and cautious. This is often attributed to the fact that rabbits are prey animals, thus they have a natural fear of any potential predator, animal or human.

Thus, it is very important to be patient with a new pet rabbit. You will need time to build your pet’s trust. Avoid drastic movements around your rabbit and talk using a calm voice.

Giving a few treats and gentle petting may first be done without picking up or moving your rabbit. As your pet rabbits gets to know you, he will become more responsive and will allow you to pick or move him.

Rabbits don’t need annual vaccinations however it is still very important to bring your rabbit to an East Greenwich veterinary clinic for a complete physical exam. Check out this link for more information. ... Read more »

Views: 512 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 05.24.2014 | Comments (0)

Cats are meticulous animals and they are easily taught to use the litter box as early as possible. If you suddenly find your cat pooping outside his box, you need to get down to the root of the matter immediately. Eliminating outside the litter could be caused by a variety of reasons.

Here are some possible reasons for inappropriate elimination in cats:

  • Check the litter box

Some cats don’t like the type of litter or the box style, and tend to show their unhappiness by not using the litter box. Some cats want the litter changed more often, and the waste scooped regularly.

  • Location

Location is also an important consideration when placing the litter box. Most cats want to do their thing in a quiet area away from household traffic.

  • Overcrowding

As a ru ... Read more »

Views: 443 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 05.24.2014 | Comments (0)

When baby goldfish hatch from their eggs, it will take approximately seven days for them to assume the shape of a goldfish. However, it may take an entire year before the colour of a mature goldfish is fully developed. In the meantime, they will exhibit a shade of metallic brown.

As fry, the growth of pet goldfish is accelerated. This is a form of adaptation as they try to keep themselves from becoming the next meal of adult goldfish or perhaps insects and other fish in the tank.

When a goldfish is highly bred, it is sometimes possible for it to become stripped of the ability to breed in the natural fashion. In this case an artificial breeding method can be employed but it is not without its risks.

If you wish to learn more about pet goldfish, visit a veterinarian Stockbridge for more info.

Views: 501 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 05.24.2014 | Comments (0)