Main » 2014 » May » 24 » Why Cats Poop Around their Litter Boxes
2:38 PM
Why Cats Poop Around their Litter Boxes

Cats are meticulous animals and they are easily taught to use the litter box as early as possible. If you suddenly find your cat pooping outside his box, you need to get down to the root of the matter immediately. Eliminating outside the litter could be caused by a variety of reasons.

Here are some possible reasons for inappropriate elimination in cats:

  • Check the litter box

Some cats don’t like the type of litter or the box style, and tend to show their unhappiness by not using the litter box. Some cats want the litter changed more often, and the waste scooped regularly.

  • Location

Location is also an important consideration when placing the litter box. Most cats want to do their thing in a quiet area away from household traffic.

  • Overcrowding

As a rule of thumb, multi-cat households must have a minimum of one box per cat plus one extra litter box. Some cats are uncomfortable about using the same litter box as the other cats.

  • Age

Older cats that may be suffering from bone and joint problems may find it difficult to get in and out of the litter box to do his business. Eliminating outside the box is simply easier for them. 

Be sure to bring your cat to a Marion veterinary clinic for regular wellness checks. Click here for more information.

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