Main » 2014 » May » 24 » When Your Dog is Coughing…
6:06 PM
When Your Dog is Coughing…

If you are sitting quietly in your house, and the only thing you can hear is your dog repeatedly “coughing”, then it should be made known to you that your dog could only have a tickle in its throat, or it could have a severe problem that requires immediate veterinary attention.

Whether it’s severe or not, a trip to the vet is highly recommended, as you can never be too careful when it comes to your dog.

The veterinarian will examine your dog and soon enough be able to tell you if it’s something severe, or if it is something that a simple antibiotic will help remove from its system.

So if your dog is seen or heard to be coughing for an unusual amount of time, consider bringing it to the vet.

You can find out more about your dog and other possible illnesses it can have by following this link to the website of the veterinary clinic Woodbridge.

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