Main » 2015 » December » 1 » Your Cat's Whiskers
4:15 AM
Your Cat's Whiskers

Your cat’s whiskers are cute but they also help your cat navigate through the world. Whiskers help your cat determine distances and space. They help your cat determine what spaces they will fit into and how far to jump from the floor to the countertop. Whiskers can also help your cat sense vibrations so they know how close they are to objects and your cat can sense other animals nearby. The whiskers on the side of the face are the same width as your cat so they help guide your cat into spaces she will fit in. The whiskers can also indicate mood. A relaxed cat will hold her whiskers straight out, whereas an irritated cat will pin their whiskers back. Some whiskers will fall out on their own from time to time to be replaced by new ones. They don’t need to be trimmed. Learn more from your Southeast Denver, CO veterinarian.

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