Main » 2018 » July » 4 » Why your cat needs help staying well-groomed
9:21 AM
Why your cat needs help staying well-groomed

You know that your cat spends a lot of time grooming herself and you can see that she still needs your help with this. Why doesn’t she handle it all on her own?

Your pet does her best to keep her fur looking great, but it’s a big job. It’s simply too much for her to handle on her own, particularly if she gets dirty a lot or is a longhaired breed. There are some areas of your pet’s body that are difficult for her to reach, so it can be hard for her to groom herself properly in these. There is also an increased chance that very young and very old cats will be unable to meet their needs in this department. Plus, your cat isn’t able to brush himself, leaving you to take on the job. For more information, please contact your local Happy Valley, OR veterinarian.

Views: 410 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: Animal Hospital | Rating: 0.0/0
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