Main » 2015 » April » 21 » Why own a reptile?
3:30 AM
Why own a reptile?

Your local Minnetonka vet knows that bringing a pet into your home isn’t something to take lightly, and that you are likely to do some thorough research on which pet is right for your household before actually taking the plunge. Many people look to reptiles because of the many advantages they offer in comparison to other pets.

There are many different kinds of reptiles, and each requires their own special means of care, but there are some generalizations that can be made across the board. Reptiles usually need to live in a controlled environment, so they stay in their enclosure unless specifically removed by someone. This means that you don’t need to worry about a reptile rummaging around in your home while you’re away and getting into things he shouldn’t. This means that your pet care can be limited to a single area of your home, instead of having to ensure all parts are pet-proof. See details here.

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