Main » 2015 » December » 3 » Why Can't Dogs Use a Litter Box?
4:18 AM
Why Can't Dogs Use a Litter Box?

One benefit of owning a cat is the fact that they don’t have to be let outside to go potty. If dogs are highly trainable, why can’t you train a dog to use a litter box too?

Dogs and cats have different needs when it comes to going potty. Cats like to dig and bury. That’s because they are trying to hide their scent from other cats and predators in the area.

Dogs don’t have this need. As a matter of fact, they consider waste a great way to communicate with other animals! That means you won’t ever get your dog to bury his waste in a litter box. Even if he did, he would probably scatter the litter all over your floor!

If you do want your dog to go potty inside, consider puppy pads instead. To learn more, contact your vet Olathe, KS.

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