Main » 2018 » July » 14 » When To Wean a Bottle-Fed Kitten
9:21 AM
When To Wean a Bottle-Fed Kitten

Kittens that are abandoned by their mother or are orphans need to be bottle-fed so they can survive and thrive. This is also true for kittens whose mother is unable to provide adequate nourishment to her litter. To ensure the health and well-being of bottle-fed kittens, there is a need to provide the proper milk formula and feed at appropriate times. Weaning kittens start when they are about 4-5 weeks old. Weaning is a stressful time for kittens thus experts recommend that it should be done gradually over a period of several days or weeks, depending on the kittens’ progress. Here are some successful weaning tips:

  • Most kittens don’t experience problems during weaning and are fully weaned when they are about 6-7 weeks of age. However, some can take a little bit longer and should be given enough time to adjust to eating solid food.
  • Weaning should stretch for a couple of days or weeks to prevent stress and digestive upsets.
  • When feeding kibble, moisten it with some water or broth so it will be easier to chew.
  • When introducing solid food, don’t push your pet’s nose into the food dish for this have been associated with cases of fluid and food aspiration in kittens, which can pave the way for life-threatening pneumonia.

For more information about your cat's dietary needs visit your London, ON vet clinic.

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