Main » 2018 » July » 18 » What you Need to Know About Your Dog’s Sense Of Sight
1:42 PM
What you Need to Know About Your Dog’s Sense Of Sight

Did you know that there are special structures in a dog’s eyes that can help them see motion better than humans do?

Contrary to popular belief, dogs are not entirely colorblind. However, they tend to be myopic or near-sighted. This may be attributed to the fact that certain structures in their eyes that can help focus on shapes of shapes are lacking. Thus, dogs can hardly identify an object that is more than 20 feet away.

Dogs also have a narrow peripheral vision. However, the degree tends ot vary between breeds. The size of a dog’s head can also have an influence on the degree of peripheral vision. Most dogs are unable to see things in detail when it is behind them.

While dogs can notice movement at a distance, they don’t have a ‘depth of vision’. When a dog stares at a distant object, he can only focus on center of the object, while the background remains blurry.

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