Main » 2015 » December » 15 » Vaccines for Jersey Cows
5:37 AM
Vaccines for Jersey Cows

Did you know that cows require routine vaccinations? If your Jersey cow has not been vaccinated or is behind, please call your vet to schedule a farm call. Your veterinarian can help determine what vaccines are needed for your particular area and can determine how often they need to be administered. Vaccines for Jersey cows depend on region, types of cows in the herd, age, and purpose or use of the cows. There are numerous vaccinations available for beef cows and for dairy cows. Those vaccinations differ based on the age of your cows. It is suggested that a complete vaccination program be developed in concordance with your veterinarian Myakka, FL in order to ensure all of your Jersey cows are being vaccinated appropriately. Some herd operators choose not to vaccinate their cows, but this is usually because they have been operating a closed herd for quite some time. Click here for more details.

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