Main » 2015 » December » 26 » Treatment for FeLV Positive Cats
10:07 AM
Treatment for FeLV Positive Cats

The FeLV virus is a deadly virus that can affect all breeds of cats even the Japanese Bobtail, which is known for its low health issues and illnesses. There is no cure for FeLV (Feline Leukemia Virus). It’s important to make sure your Japanese Bobtail tests negative for FeLV before adoption or purchase. Having your cat tested regularly can also help detect the disease at an early stage in which treatment may make it possible for the cat to resist the virus. If your Japanese Bobtail is positive for FeLV you should take protective measures to ensure your cat does not get sick with secondary infections due to a suppressed or compromised immune system. Treatment may include chemotherapy especially in cats that develop lymphoma and other cancers. Your veterinarian Glendale, AZ can tell you that treatments can help make the cat comfortable and provide a more positive quality of life. To learn more, click here.

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