Main » 2015 » December » 10 » Tips for Keeping Your Cat out of the Bedroom
7:28 AM
Tips for Keeping Your Cat out of the Bedroom

Even though snuggling up with your furry friend may sound like a good idea, allowing your cat in the bedroom can actually decrease the quality of your sleep. Here are some tips for keeping your cat out of the bedroom.

If you’re moving or getting a new cat, never allow your feline in the bedroom in the first place. If that room is always off limits, he’s less likely to freak out if you’re in the room and he isn’t allowed.

If your cat has been allowed in the bedroom in the past, it will take a bit more patience to keep him out in the future. Place doubled sided sticky tape on the frame and the door to prevent scratching. You can also place a bit of tin foil or an upside plastic carpet runner in front of the door to keep him away.

To learn more, call your vet Burke, VA.

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