Main » 2018 » July » 4 » Should your cat be eating wet or dry food ?
9:52 PM
Should your cat be eating wet or dry food ?

Your cat may want to munch on whatever you are eating, but you know she needs plenty of nutrients to keep her body strong and healthy. This makes you wonder – would she be better off eating wet or dry food?

Your pet may enjoy one or the other, but most pets will be better off with one of them. Many healthy adult cats consume dry food on a regular basis. Others, like those who can’t eat dry food for one reason or another, will likely be in need of a wet food option. This means that your pet will usually be consuming dry food unless there is a reason not to. Be sure to talk to your pet’s veterinarian to determine the ideal food for meeting your pet’s needs each and every day. For more information, please contact your experienced pet clinic Frisco TX.

Views: 379 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: vets frisco tx, vet clinic frisco tx | Rating: 5.0/1
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