Main » 2014 » September » 25 » Scrappy Cats and Injuries they can inflict on Each Other
6:46 AM
Scrappy Cats and Injuries they can inflict on Each Other

Did you know that almost all cat injuries are a result from cats scrapping (fighting)? When cats attack each other, it can be for territorial reasons, but no matter the reasoning, the results are always the same. Cats will challenge each other, then attack, mostly biting with some scratching mixed in.

Due to cats having small, but long teeth, the bits can be smaller in nature, but they go very deep into the skin. The concerns about cat bites is the amount of germs that get transferred from the biting cat’s mouth. Small cat bites will heal over quickly, but because it heals fast, the germs get trapped under the skin and most likely will cause infections.

A cat that has sustained injuries from another cat must be seen by a vet as soon as possible so the wounds can be cleaned properly and any other serious results can be addressed. Go ahead and check out this site of the veterinarian Strongsville.

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