Main » 2018 » July » 31 » Preparing Your Dog for the Boarder
2:35 PM
Preparing Your Dog for the Boarder

Are you planning to take you dog to a boarding facility while you are traveling? If so, help your dog prepare for the change in routine by introducing him to the boarding facility early. Call and schedule a doggie play day for your pup and have him stay the day. Wait a few days after this visit and schedule an overnight visit for your dog. If you will be leaving him for an extended period, schedule an even longer visit for your pup. This will help your dog adjust to the new environment, get used to the routine and schedule of the facility, and understand that each time he was left you came back and picked him up. This can help ease your dog’s anxiety as well as give the boarder a chance to get to know your dog and talk with you about any possible concerns. For more tips and suggestions, give your veterinarian Frisco, TX a call.

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