Main » 2015 » April » 5 » Lost Pets: How to Help
2:21 AM
Lost Pets: How to Help

Too many times we’ve driven by posters asking for help to find a lost pet. We hope for the pet’s safe return, but there’s not much more we can do. Or is there? With social media at our fingertips there’s actually a whole lot more we can do within a matter of seconds. For instance, take a picture of the “lost” flyer and post it on your social media page tagging the specific area where the pet was lost.

Make sure you join local pet rescue pages so you can share and receive updates and information. Text the picture to friends and encourage them to keep an eye out for the lost pet on their daily commute. Don’t forget to share the picture and information with your local vet Fayetteville NC.  These simple steps can mean big progress in the search for a lost pet. 

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