Main » 2018 » July » 24 » Keeping your Snake Cool in the summer
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Keeping your Snake Cool in the summer

When summer months approach the temperatures soar and heat waves are common. It’s important especially during these times to keep yourself and your pets hydrated with plenty of water to prevent heatstroke and other heat related illnesses. This includes keeping your pet snake cool. One of the first ways to keep your snake cool is make sure he has a large enough bowl of water to soak in. Snakes don’t really drink, but instead soak in water through their skin. They need fresh water in a large bowl in order to soak. If your snake requires warm temperatures in his habitat, monitor how warm it gets. During the hot summer, you may find that your snake doesn’t need heating lamps or other heat sources in his cage. In fact, you may need to provide more ventilation in the cage to keep humidity levels low as well. For more tips, give your veterinarian Scottsdale, AZ a call, or visit here -

Views: 377 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: az, vets scottsdale, vet scottsdale | Rating: 0.0/0
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