Main » 2015 » April » 22 » Keeping Litter out of Your Cat's Fur
10:13 PM
Keeping Litter out of Your Cat's Fur

Getting your cat to use the litter box consistently can sometimes be a challenge. However, keeping cat litter out of your cat’s fur can also be a huge challenge.

The coat type of your cat makes a big difference. Cats with single, short coats rarely, if ever, have issues with litter in their fur. Cats with a fluffy undercoat and long hair tend to have more problems, especially if they’re overweight.

Start with a high-quality litter first and make sure you clean and change the litter often. Clean, high-quality litter is less likely to stick to your cat than dirty, low-quality litter.

Groom your cat often. Check to make sure that he hasn’t got any litter issues each day and you can prevent painful clumping and matting.

For cats that continually have a problem, you can consider saving them. For recommendations of groomers in your area, call your veterinary clinic Indianapolis.

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