Main » 2015 » April » 13 » Is your horse sick?
10:04 PM
Is your horse sick?

Your horse depends on you for many things, and this is even truer when she falls ill. However, she may not always show obvious signs of sickness when she needs your help. You need to be vigilant, and keenly aware of your horse’s behavior when she is healthy in order to notice subtle differences in her behavior when she isn’t. Most likely you will notice change in her eating or eliminations habits. You are also likely to see a difference in your horse’s activity level since she won’t be feeling quite like her usual self.  Additional symptoms may include coughing, nasal discharge, and irritability.

If you think your horse may be sick, you should act quickly since the sooner she is treated, the faster and more likely a full recovery can take place. Your local Park County veterinarian can help you address any issues your pet may be having. Please schedule an appointment today to speak with a professional.

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