Main » 2018 » July » 8 » How to Apply Flea and Tick Ointment on Dogs
9:38 AM
How to Apply Flea and Tick Ointment on Dogs

Do you use a monthly flea and tick prevention medication on your dog? If not, talk with your vet about adding this to your dog’s monthly routine. Most medications come in the form of a pill, injection or a liquid application ointment. If you are using the ointment, make sure you follow the application instructions. Different brands have different instructions. In general, open the tube of the ointment and place the tip of the applicator underneath your dog’s hair on his back right between his shoulders. Gently squeeze the tube and apply it down your dog’s back. Some ointments suggest applying it in small spots along the back and not a continuous stream. Allow the ointment to soak into the skin. Do not rub it in and do not wipe at it. Make sure you use all of the tube. Once finished, reward your dog with a treat. Contact your veterinarian New Tulsa, OK for help.

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