Main » 2018 » July » 4 » Helping your dog stay comfortable while out for a walk
10:24 AM
Helping your dog stay comfortable while out for a walk

Your dog loves to head outside with you and he usually gets really excited when it’s time to take a walk. How can you help your pet stay comfortable when out and about?

Your pet needs to be able to enjoy his time outside and he won’t be able to do this if he is uncomfortable. Keep your pet relaxed while out for a walk by making sure that he is safe and the journey you’re taking is within his capabilities. Keep away from traffic and other hazards while also making sure your pet is safely tethered to you with his leash. Take the time to pack a small bag and bring along anything your pet may need, like water for him to drink or a set of booties if you are going over rough terrain or hot asphalt. For more information, please contact your local veterinarians Scottsdale, AZ.

Views: 360 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: veterinarians Scottsdale AZ, veterinary clinic Scottsdale AZ | Rating: 0.0/0
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