Main » 2015 » December » 29 » Heartworm and Your Dog
8:37 AM
Heartworm and Your Dog

Dogs of any age or breed are susceptible to heartworm disease, thus even if your dog is on monthly heartworm preventatives, annual tests is very important in the preventive health program of pet dogs.

Since heartworms are transmitted by mosquitoes, measures should be undertaken to protect your canine buddy against mosquito bites. The parasite can be introduced even from a single bite of an infected mosquito. Contrary to popular notion, mosquitoes are not strictly summer pests. They are quite ubiquitous and can survive extreme conditions as long as they are living in areas where a warm environment is maintained such as in the garage or greenhouse. The risk is however, greater in the summer. Since mosquitoes can easily find their way indoors, dogs and cats that are strictly kept indoors are also at risk.

Adult heartworms live in the dog’s heart and lungs. Since they can grow to over a foot long, infection can be quite devastating and death is quite common.

Ask your Flint, MI vet regarding important pet issues. You can get more information here.

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