Main » 2015 » December » 3 » Grooming A Nervous Kitty
11:13 AM
Grooming A Nervous Kitty

Cats are fastidious groomers however, this should not mean they won’t benefit from some grooming assistance. When it comes to grooming your pet, there are important things you need to take into consideration, one of which is to take into account how much your kitty likes being handled.

Some cats don’t like being picked up or handled, and this can be a real problem if you have a long-haired cat. Long hair coats need to be brushed regularly to lessen the amount of hair lying around. Brushing also removes loose hair before they fall off to the floor or furniture, or even swallowed by the cat while he is grooming himself.

Cats that are handled frequently while still very young will learn to tolerate being handled and having a regular grooming routine. But if you have adopted a cat from the shelter, he may not be that keen on being handled or groomed. You need to be patient in teaching your new kitty that each grooming session is an enjoyable one, and not something to be frightened about.

Consult with your Regina, SK vet if you have any concerns about your pet’s behavior.

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