Main » 2015 » December » 9 » Flea And Tick Control - Busting A Popular Myth
4:55 AM
Flea And Tick Control - Busting A Popular Myth

Fleas and ticks are the most common external parasites affecting cats and dogs. They are voracious blood suckers and can cause illness in pets that are carrying a heavy parasite load. However, there is still a lot of misinformation about these parasites that many pet owners are likely to believe. Busting one of these myths will help you take a proactive approach in safeguarding your pet against ticks and fleas infestation.

Myth:  Dogs are at risk for flea and tick infestations only during summer.

Fact:  While summer and fall are considered flea and tick seasons, a dog is at risk for external parasite infestation all year round, especially if you live in a place where it’s warm throughout the year. These ubiquitous parasites can also survive harsh environmental conditions. Your best bet to protect your pet against fleas and ticks is to use a topical preventative throughout the year.

Have your pet checked regularly at your Edison Park, FL animal hospital. Visit this link for more information.

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