Main » 2015 » December » 17 » Does Your Dog Have Intestinal Parasites?
2:33 AM
Does Your Dog Have Intestinal Parasites?

Any age of dog can be infected with intestinal worms including roundworms, tapeworms, whipworms, and hookworms. In order to protect your pet from the negative effects of a heavy worm infestation, parasite prevention should be a year-round program.

Although very young puppies and senior pets are more prone to the effects of intestinal parasite infestation, a heavy parasitic load can also affect the health and wellbeing of adult dogs. There are also parasites that can affect both pets and humans and can easily be transmitted.

Dogs can get intestinal parasites by ingesting parasite eggs from contaminated food or water. Viable parasite eggs can also be present in soil or fecal material. Very young puppies can get parasites from their mother while they are still in the womb or while nursing.

Know more about how to take care of your pet's needs by visiting your Torch Lake, MI vet clinic. Visit this website to find out more about your pet’s needs.

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