Main » 2018 » July » 7 » Does your bird need some new toys?
7:08 AM
Does your bird need some new toys?

Your bird is a big part of your family and you want her to be able to enjoy her time in your home. This means taking the time to understand what is needed to keep her happily engaged in her enclosure as well as outside of it. This makes you wonder – does she need some new toys?

Your pet needs to be able to relax and enjoy some time having some fun. This can be done by offering your pet ways to play. She may have some, but it could be time to add some new ones or replace a few. Take a look at what she has. If she doesn’t seem content with the toys available to her, it may be time to offer ways for her to branch out a bit. If her toys aren’t in the best shape anymore, they

may not be safe her to her utilize. For more information, please contact your Orangevale, CA veterinarian.

Views: 411 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: Animal Hospital | Rating: 0.0/0
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