Main » 2015 » December » 24 » Do Rabbits Make Good Pets for the Elderly?
10:47 AM
Do Rabbits Make Good Pets for the Elderly?

It’s no secret that animal companionship can be extremely beneficial to the elderly. The first choices are usually cats and dogs, but what about rabbits? Do they make good pets for the elderly too?

The answer to this question depends on the health of the person who’s considering a rabbit. All animals require a little bit of work, but rabbits are a bit more work than cats or dogs. The cage has to be completely cleaned regularly. If the senior is fairly active, a rabbit might be a good choice.

Cost is an important consideration too. Startup costs for rabbits can greatly outpace the cost of adopting a new cat or dog.

If the senior is up to the task, rabbits can make great pets! For help deciding if a rabbit is right for your grandma or grandpa, schedule an appointment with your vet Aurora, CO.

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