Main » 2015 » December » 10 » Desensitizing Your Cat to the Vacuum Cleaner
5:17 AM
Desensitizing Your Cat to the Vacuum Cleaner

Every cat owner understands that felines hate the vacuum cleaner. Although your cat isn’t likely to become friends with your vacuum, there are some things you can do to desensitize him to your loud cleaning machine.

One of the reasons why cats are so uneasy around vacuum cleaners is because your cat likely doesn’t get to see it unless it’s turned on. Instead of tucking the vacuum into the closet when it’s not being used, leave it out so your cat can inspect it on his own time. When he’s comfortable with the machine, turn it on, but don’t move it, so he can get used to the noise.

The cat isn’t likely to warm up to an especially loud vacuum cleaner. If your vacuum is really loud, consider taking it in and having it repaired. You may also want to consider replacing it.

For more tips, contact your vet McPherson, KS.

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