Main » 2015 » December » 19 » Costs to Consider When You Adopt a Dog
8:40 PM
Costs to Consider When You Adopt a Dog

In the excitement of adopting a dog, it’s easy to overlook all of the responsibilities that come along with it. One often overlooked aspect of dog ownership is just how expensive owning one can be.

Startup costs are usually addressed, as every dog needs a collar, leash, food and water bowl, and toys. However, long-term costs aren’t always considered. Buying food over the lifetime of your dog can add up to thousands of dollars. Annual trips to the vet must also be budgeted for, and if your dog experiences a medical problem, veterinary costs could be even more.

If you’re looking to save on costs, consider adopting a small dog. Although veterinary and startup costs are the same, they eat a lot less food, which will help you save in the long run.

For a complete list of expenses, contact your veterinarian Mattoon, IL.

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