Main » 2015 » December » 17 » Caring for Orphaned Kittens
3:54 AM
Caring for Orphaned Kittens

Orphaned kittens need all the care and commitment they can get from their owners. They need to be kept warm and comfortable, and fed a formula using a bottle during the first month of their life. When bottle-feeding a kitten, make sure that his belly is touching the table or on a flat surface. Never bottle feed a kitten that is lying on his back for this can increase the risk of milk going into the lungs. It will usually take 10-15 minutes for a kitten to be full.

Another responsibility that you have to undertake when caring for orphaned kittens is to help them eliminate until they are about a month old. Use a warm damp cotton ball or cloth to massage the lower body until the kitten pees or poops. Stimulation of their elimination functions should be done after they have been fed. Kittens can be potty-trained when they’re about 3 weeks old. Take note that kittens that are on formula won’t have solid waste. 

For more information about the dietary needs of the orphaned kittens, visit your Bellaire, MI animal hospital. Check out this link for more tips.

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