Main » 2018 » July » 6 » Caring for a longhaired cat
9:02 PM
Caring for a longhaired cat

Your cat needs to be able to be comfortable in your care and you want to make sure you are able to look after her. What should you know about caring for a longhaired cat?

Longhaired breeds are generally known for the length of their fur, as their name suggests. This means that they will need more care in this department. Your pet is in need of some additional brushing time, but the time spent brushing and the frequency you will need to do this will vary from pet to pet. Your pet needs you to take a look at her coat regularly to determine what care is necessary, and then seek this out. This may mean finding a groomer to help you keep your pet’s fur at a manageable length. For more information, please contact your local Coon Rapids, MN veterinarian.

Views: 394 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: Cat care center | Rating: 0.0/0
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